Dr. Lum is a fellowship-trained glaucoma specialist who trained at the prestigious program at Washington University in St. Louis. He continues to provide the latest advancements in glaucoma diagnosis and treatment.

Glaucoma is a group of diseases which can cause blindness. While it is commonly characterized by elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), 30% or more of patients with glaucoma have normal or low IOP.

With early detection and treatment, glaucoma can almost always be controlled and vision preserved. However, most glaucoma cannot be cured and once vision has been lost, it cannot be restored. A combination of eye drops, medication, laser treatment and conventional surgery is used to treat glaucoma. Treatment is concentrated on lowering the pressure inside the eye to prevent damage to the optic nerve.

A combination of eye drops, medication, laser treatment and conventional incisional surgery is used to treat glaucoma. New micro-incisional glaucoma surgical (MIGS) techniques are currently being developed. Treatment is concentrated on lowering the pressure inside the eye to prevent damage to the optic nerve.

Dr. Lum is trained and performs many different glaucoma surgeries. Each patient is carefully evaluated to determine which surgical procedure is best suited to each individual.

A combination of eye drops, medication, laser treatment and conventional incisional surgery is used to treat glaucoma. New micro-incisional glaucoma surgical (MIGS) techniques are currently being developed. Treatment is concentrated on lowering the pressure inside the eye to prevent damage to the optic nerve.

Dr. Lum is trained and performs many different glaucoma surgeries. Each patient is carefully evaluated to determine which surgical procedure is best suited to each individual.

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT)

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) is an advanced type of laser treatment to manage patients with open-angle glaucoma. SLT selectively stimulates or changes only specific pigmented cells to activate increased fluid drainage and reduce intraocular pressure (IOP). SLT results in a biological response that increases aqueous drainage without burning tissue.

SLT is performed in our office and only takes about 15-20 minutes. Use of the SLT in treating glaucoma may reduce the need for lifelong use of expensive eye drops or other medications. Because there is no damage or scarring from the SLT laser, the SLT may be repeated.

iStent accompanying Cataract Surgery

Patients with mild-to-moderate glaucoma and cataracts may benefit from an iStent implant accompanying cataract surgery. The iStent Trabecular Micro-Bypass Stent is the world’s tiniest medical device and the first Micro-incisional glaucoma surgery (MIGS) that has been FDA-approved. For patients with glaucoma, over time the eye’s natural drainage system becomes clogged. iStent creates a permanent opening though the blockage to improve the eye’s natural fluid outflow. By improving the outflow of fluid in the eye, iStent is designed to lower and control the pressure within the eye.

Trabeculectomy Surgery

Trabeculectomy is a tried and true method of lowering IOP in patients with glaucoma. In this surgery a drainage canal is made to help shunt the fluid from inside the eye to a protected area outside of the eye.

Ex-Press Mini-Glaucoma Shunt

The Ex-Press is a new permutation of the trabeculectomy surgery. Instead of making the drainage canal out of the patient’s tissue, a small stainless steel shunt is place to allow a controlled and reproducible drainage canal. Dr. Lum is one of the first and most experienced surgeons implanting the Ex-Press mini-glaucoma shunt.

Ahmed Glaucoma Valve

The Ahmed Valve is the most commonly implanted valved glaucoma shunt device. The Ahmed utilizes a Venturi valve to regulate the flow and prevent the pressure from dropping too low in the immediate post-operative period.

Baerveldt Glaucoma Shunt

The Baerveldt implant is used in more difficult to control glaucoma cases. It utilizes a tiny silicone tube to bypass the non-functioning drain in the eye. The tube shunts the eye fluid to a silicone reservoir which sits on the eye wall, underneath the muscles.


Endocyclophotocoagution (ECP) is a technique where a tiny endoscope is used to LASER ablate the ciliary body of the eye. This structure makes the fluid in the eye. By decreasing the function of the ciliary body, less fluid is made and the pressure is lowered. This ten minute surgery is very effective in patients with difficult or refractory glaucoma or those who have already had an Ahmed or Baerveldt implant surgery.

Canaloplasty / ABIC

The innovative technique of canaloplasty is a less invasive way of controlling the intraocular pressure. In this technically demanding surgery, a small catheter is threaded into Schlemm’s canal (the drainage canal of the eye) to improve the outflow of fluid. Less invasive than many other surgeries, it has recently fallen out of favor, but is still a viable alternative in some patients.

Xen Stent

If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (805) 648-6891.